Wednesday, November 21, 2018

No Winter Allowed!

 We.... sadly are in the grip of winter already, this is not normal for us, usually in November we have fall-ish temperatures and lots of rain,  with a few flurries until up to Christmas. However we had more snow in one day already than we usually get in all of November. I and many others were caught off guard, we need to mentally prepare for this. Tonight it is going down close to -30 Celsius with wind chill, in Fahrenheit that's eeeeeeek! It's enough to freeze the testicles off of everyone.. including women! It has snowed almost every day since Halloween, with these cold days, that snow is going nowhere.

 How did this happen, go away winter, you arrived too early. Since winter sticks around until April, it's almost overwhelming to think six more months of this garbage.


  1. Have you considered a vacation in Palm Springs or Ft. Lauderdale? Sun, water and men. You could have a blast.

  2. Hey man. You were the one complaining about summer. THIS IS WHAT YOU GET.

    Unfortunately your bad karma is spreading.

    I think you should consider a vacation in Miami.

    1. Old Lurker, I wasn't complaining about summer, I was complaining about + 987 degrees with a humidity of tropical rain forests levels. There is a big difference. ;)

  3. It seems we went from late Summer spring-like temperatures straight into full-on Winter, too.
    I wanted my Fall, dammit! I sweated all Summer for Fall!

    1. Bob, I want my fall too, darn it or at least an easing into winter, not this sudden dunking into cold weather. Brrrrr.

  4. ew ew ew! my invisible balls WOULD mos def fall off in THAT climate!

    1. Anne Marie, as we say up here, "it could freeze the nuts off a steel bridge"! Lol

  5. We are getting much needed rain so I am chilly but happy.

  6. Deedles, yes I shouldn't complain, I heard you guys were getting some rain, hopefully a good few days of gentle rains.

  7. I still think you should come visit here.

    1. I'm packing my bags right now lol! Thank you for the offer, the farm ties me down at the moment but that will change.
