Wednesday, November 14, 2018


 I know it's movember, a month where guys are not shaving mostly to grow a mustache and start a conversation regarding men's health. Although most of the guys at work are sporting the mustache but still don't want to talk about men's health, it's a guy thing.

 However here I think is movember, as in a mosquito in November! The other day I was attacked in the bathroom by a giant man eating mosquito. I sure hope that is the last mosquito of the year, at -13 Celsius outside I would think so. With complete disdain for the little creature I cheerfully said, "hello little mosquito, allow me to introduce you to your own ass" and then I promptly squashed it into the wall. One of the memories from summer 2018 that I can do without.

 I just hope this is not the beginning of a climate change type of winter mosquito...  a snosquito! O.O

 Skeeder meet butt! :D


  1. Oh my days! I'd have been half way down the road screaming, in the time it took you to get this photo.......
    I love all nature but these little buggers......NOT.

    1. Trust me Christina, living in Canada makes a person very used to seeing mosquitoes lol.

  2. Not the kind of man eating one would expect to find in the mens room.

    1. Maddie... smarty pants! I am surprised there were no sucking jokes or being poked jokes! ;)

  3. Replies
    1. Hello Bob! Maddie is a bad influence, follow his lead with caution lol.

  4. Oh look. Steven is showing off his hunting trophies again. This is how people in the country entertain themselves?

    I thought Movember was passe? This year it is #nonutnovember ,

    1. I'm afraid to ask Old Lurker, no nut November? Does that mean you are not allowed out anywhere?

  5. Steven, you're my hero! Now if you have the same attitude towards spiders, you'll be raised to icon status!

    1. Deedles, yes I go into full attack mode when I see a spider in the house, especially those huge brown ones that are always waiting for me in the tub! Although a little less brave, certain people will tell you that sometimes there is a startled shriek emitted at first sight but that's all lies.. yup all lies, no truth to any of that. (Blushing blushing blushing)

  6. Are you asking me? I don't know, do you have tiny bugs that fly around your head and then stab you with a needle to suck your blood while sounding like they are flying on a tiny vacuum cleaner? That's them lol.

  7. Yes, one of the implications is that I am not allowed out, lest I lay my eyes upon somebody attractive. There are other implications too. But don't worry; I am sure you are adhering to the rules of No Nut November just fine.

  8. The grow a mustache in November thing I find nonsense. Talking is nice but do let's do more - get involved etc.
    Plus, men should keep their whiskers on 12 months a year.

  9. OL, I have to Google that, I hope you don't mean what I think you mean and it's too late for me, I get really excited every time you comment and I have to have my alone time after... ;p

  10. Dr Spo you definitely look handsome with the whiskers! I like them on myself up to a point, then they have to come off, plus that part of the facial carpet seems to be fading in colour. Lol

  11. Okay, sweetie, you are now an icon! In my humble *cough* opinion, real men wear pink and shriek when they see a spider. This is especially so when they are brave enough to squish said spider. BH has to show me the body when he kills one. He's been know to let them live and lie about it! I end up having to smithereen them when they reappear!

    1. Deedles... squish? So I guess you are saying using the shot gun is a little too much huh? Come to think of it the tub is not looking so good lately.

  12. Now I don't know whether I should be commenting more frequently or less.

    How is your mom doing?

  13. OL, well you should comment at least once a day but not more than twice and not within a half hour of each comment because I am not twenty anymore.

    Thank you for asking, mom is doing well but of course that is as well as can be expected.

  14. Shot gun?! Ooh, macho, macho man! It's easier and cheaper (I'm all for cheap) to clean up squished remains than it is to repair or buy a new tub! I leave the squished remains on my antiquated popcorn ceiling as a warning for those who may want to follow their fallen comrades. Have broomstick, will squish!
    This has gotten a little silly, huh? My face is hurting from smiling from ear to ear!

  15. Deedles, I have a little bit of Scottish heritage and my frugal ancestors get excited at the word "cheap" or "on sale" or "great deal" or FREE!!! ;)

  16. No I don't want any furniture thank you.
