Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Coming Out... meh.

 My gayness makes me watch the show "This is us", tonight one of the children on the show came out to her parents. I know they were probably hoping to turn on the water works with viewers but this viewer felt.... meh big deal, been there saw that. I'm not sure if it's because I have watched one too many coming out moments and have become immune to them, I just wasn't feeling it. I think they were trying to make something dramatic out of something that would be a non issue in keeping with these characters.The aunt already knew, the grandmother already knew and was trying to support the young girl who refused to speak to her about it. The parents are open minded educated people but mostly the dad's own father was gay with a boyfriend and he still loved and accepted him. It would seem ridiculous and completely out of character for the show to have the parents become angry and reject their own child, I just didn't feel the big dramatic moment in telling them.

 I hope that is what the problem was with me this evening, just the confidence in the characters to accept their child's sexuality. I hope I haven't become immune to that feeling every gay person experiences when they first come out to someone because when it goes well... it's emotional but it's a thing of beauty.


  1. I give you an award for watching that show. I have never seen so many cry babies and crying on one show in all my life. I watched two shows and couldn't take it...I wanted to use an ice pick to my ears, and that fat lady grates my nerves.

    1. Did you ever watch "Party of Eight" they cried non stop for years and years lol. I don't think I'm going to watch it when it comes back on, I'm bored with it.

  2. Good grief. Being gay compels people to watch network TV? Time for me to sign up for conversion therapy.

    Yes, coming out is quite an emotional experience. You should try it sometime. Are you even out to your sister?

    1. Old Lurker, do they have conversion therapy for being an pain in the.....
      Do you even read my blog or do you just spew forth your vomit of wisdom... I mean that in a loving way.

  3. Have never watched the show. I've seen the commercial on Hulu but I've been left feeling kind of meh about it...

    1. Sixpence, if I had other channels I would watch something else, just saying lol.

  4. Replies
    1. Anne Marie, good choice, it's mostly a waste of time.

  5. We watch; we love. But we didn't see last night, yet, because Carlos had oral surgery--not a euphemism--and I'm facing onset cold and flu season, so we were in the sack kinda early.

  6. I haven't seen the show since I gave up cable.

  7. Never watched it, never will. My sister loving it is enough for me not to even try it!

    1. Don't worry Deedles, I was posting about being bothered by not feeling the coming out moment, I wasn't doing a review of the show lol... you are still in the loop.

  8. I don't even know what show you're talking about.

    Off topic. I don't know any Canadians outside of this group, so I must post this here. I just listened to the latest 99% Invisible podcast and had to share. About raccoons in Toronto. Mildly funny! https://99percentinvisible.org/episode/raccoon-resistance/

  9. Mike, I hate raccoons, enemy number one around here, they are not cute Disney characters and they poop on everything.

  10. Read your blog? Why would I read your blog? Do you post scantily-clad men with facial hair on it?

  11. It takes you about 3.2 seconds to respond so you LOVE me and my blog no matter what you say! I am relieved however to see you vexing other bloggers as well so it's not just me, you have a gift. Lol

  12. Vexing other bloggers? How very dare you.

  13. VEX...ing!!! I dare... I did... it's done!
