Monday, October 22, 2018

Something outside, wants in.

 Late in the evening, as darkness falls, you may hear a thump, "THUMP"! You tell yourself it's just a thump, the cold causing the walls to contract or the floor to settle. Why did you just lie to yourself? You know it sounded more like a knock, a soft knock, sometimes it's three quick knocks, "thump, bump, bump. Maybe you were having a nap and it woke you up, clearing your head, you then check your door but no one is there... which you already knew but didn't want to admit to yourself.

 Some people hear it and jokingly, with a touch of nerves yell "come in"! You must never do that, you must never say that... it wants in, it's looking for the invitation. In a clear voice you must say out loud, "you may not enter, you can not come in, you are not welcome here". It's important not to invite that spirit in, very hard to get out after.

Halloween is coming, everyone needs to have a little fun with it.


  1. I'm always a little concerned that I am going to accidentally invite something into my house. Not out loud, but in my mind. In the alien abduction books (like Whitley Streiber's) of the 1980s, he suggested that alien abductees had unknowingly subconsciously invited the aliens in.

    Halloween is great for this kind of stuff.

    1. Harry Hamid, when I was younger, I loved reading Whitley's books, ironically reading them made me no longer believe in aliens visiting our planet.

  2. Thank goodness you cleared that up. I thought you were dispensing advice to bottoms when a top comes knocking in the night.

    Meanwhile I love Halloween frights.

    1. Maddie, I don't get it, why would I tell any man to go away? ;)

  3. @maddie - you are incorrigible!

    it depends on who's knocking; jehovas witness - HELL NO, a sexy bear man - HELL YES!

    1. SCREAM!!!! AAAAAAAHH! Jehovahs AAAAAH! Anne Marie, are you trying to make me wet myself??? Lol

  4. Replies
    1. Sixpence, do you feel something tingling on the back of your neck? If you think about spirits, they will come to you... muhahaha!

  5. Don't worry. It's just the raccoons out trick-or-treating. I hope you bought lots of candy for them.

  6. I hope your Halloween is jolly good fun !

    1. Thank you Dr Spo, some years I go to a party or hand out candies at a relative in the city, other years I forget about it. No kids come out to my place.

  7. Drop the whisk, and no one gets hurt. Or I dare take out my weapon?

  8. Cali-Boi... okay you draw your weapon on the count of three! ;)
