Thursday, October 18, 2018


 I hab a code, "sniff, sniff, sniffle", my nose is runny, "cough, cough, haaaack", I wish someone would invent a snot vacuum, then I wouldn't have to wipe my snout so much. I wanted chicken soup for supper, I ran out, life's a bitch. I wrapped myself up in a blanket and watched Star Wars on my VCR tonight because it gave me comfort. Tomorrow I will unleash this plague on my unsuspecting coworkers because one of the little bastards gave it to me.


  1. I'm in the same boat...a miserable cold. Let's Vicks each other up and snuggle, what do you say?

    1. Maddie, oh ya baby, you rub my back and I will rub your.... ;)

  2. Steven, Maddie, I can't stress this enough HYDRATE! Take care you two.

    1. Deedles, good advice, I always drink warm water when I have a cold, I find it gives me relief.

  3. poor babies! chicken soup and rest for BOTH of you! deedles and I will avoid you like the plague for the time being!

    1. Anne Marie, come here and let me give you a big sloppy kiss! Lol

  4. Oh no! Darn colds. It's that time of the year, though.

    1. Sixpence, yes unfortunately it's that time of year. Sniff, sniff.

  5. No more chicken soup? Did you run out of cocks to sacrifice?

    Do NOT go spreading your cold to your co-workers (who are probably more suspecting than you think). Take the day off or wear a surgical mask like they do in Beijing. It is SO IRRITATING when people who are obviously sick come to work to infect the rest of us. Don't be that guy.

  6. I hafta agree with Mr. Sunshine (Old Lurker) on this one, Steven. Not the cock thing. I'm not touching that! However, if one goes to work sick, the germs just hang around and everybody catches everything over and over. Stay home to protect yourself, and to get better of course.

  7. Feel better soon! I HATE being sick.

    1. Michael, I hate being sick as well, plus it always comes at an important time.

  8. Replies
    1. John, if you lived closer we could play doctor, or nurse if you prefer! :)

  9. There is nothing like an old queen with a bad head cold. Not to say this means you, but it is an expression that always makes me smile. I hope it cheers you in your illness.

  10. You drink warm water? Really? I find drinking warm water acts as a vomit inducer. Works every time I need to puke, and don't feel like waiting until it decides to spew on its own. Wow, I was doing so well on the T.M.I. front.

    1. Miss Deedles, don't mix up a cold and the flu, I never vomit from a cold. I think everyone is different, I find warm water helps sooth a sore throat and stops my coughing. One of my friends is the opposite, warm water makes it worse for her so she eats ice cubes, that would put me in the er lol. I like soup, stew, spaghetti sauce and tea when I have a cold. I have to try warm water next time my stomach feels sick, I heard that as well.
