Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Gay Roles for Gay Actors.

Tonight I was listening to the radio and they were discussing if gay roles in movies, plays or t.v., should be given to gay actors. It was amusing to hear straight male caller after straight male caller saying that the part should be given to the best actor because otherwise it would be too politically correct. Just like when these same straight white males call and say it's not difficult growing up as a visible minority or women don't suffer from discrimination.

I am of two minds on this topic, on one hand I want to see the best actor for that role while on the other hand I think a studio should at least try to find the right actor from a pool of people that the character represents. When I think back about most major films regarding the lead character and his homosexuality, most gay male characters were played by straight guys. I could understand in the beginning but I'm sure there must be qualified actors out there now.

The debate was caused when Disney apparently cast a straight man as the only gay character in an upcoming movie. I think there are probably too few roles out there for gay actors so why not give them a shot at playing a role they have been playing their whole life. I know that I was really offended and embarrassed when I heard they had cast a white man as Michael Jackson in a movie about his life.

The other side is actors are supposed to play a role that may be the total opposite of their personality and yet if they are good at their craft, they will convince us that they feel all the right emotions, making the character seem real. I think gay actors are finally getting credit for their skills. It's confusing, on one hand I want to support the gay actors, on the other hand I want to support the creativity of the person making a film.


  1. By that standard Rock Hudson should not have had a career. Neither should Neil Patrick Harris.

    I share your conflict. But I think the underlying problem is that there are not enough opportunities for actors outside the mainstream, period. Scott Thompson of Kids in the Hall was pretty upset that he got typecast as The Gay again and again.

  2. "I know that I was really offended and embarrassed when I heard they had cast a white man as Michael Jackson in a movie about his life." = so was I. like you can't find a talented black kid, so the studio just HAD to do blackface?

  3. I heard and read about this the other day as well. It seems like the same argument that was made for a transgender woman playing a trans part instead of a cisgender woman. I am torn, as I'd like to see more openly gay actors working in Hollywood. But what about straight actors who are great actors as well? My take? Level the field and allow openly gay actors as good a chance of getting a role as straight ones and then may the best one win. Hollywood has a long way to go before this happens.

  4. I read somewhere awhile back, that gay actors (closeted probably) wouldn't go up for gay parts. Career suicide, maybe? Known straight actors could get away with it because they were, well, known to be straight.
    My mind went to Rock Hudson, Zachary Quinto ( I did think his Spock seemed a little gay)etc.. It's interesting that no actors cast as murderers, pimps, hos, and politicians were ever thought of that way in real life.

    As for Michael Jackson, in his later years if they'd used a Black actor he would've had to be in white face. Just being facetious here. I was never that much of a fan after the Jackson Five.

  5. I have no problem with gay actors playing straight roles and vice versa. I also have no problem with women playing men and vice versa. Linda Hunt won an Oscar as a man in The Year of Living Dangerously. if an actor is good in a role, what does it matter their personal circumstances or what body they were born in? It is acting and if it is convincing, it's fine with me. I do have a problem with dogs playing cats and vice versa. That's just too much.

  6. May the best actor get the part. Or the best connected actor get the part which is often the case. Or the actor with the best agent. Or the actor whose agent has dirt on the casting director or film director. You get it. Part of my family is in the film business. It's often how you're connect regardless of talent.

  7. Best. Person for the job
    Nothing else should matter....

    But minds have to be perfectly open on the judging panel

  8. While I do believe that the best actor should get the part, I also believe that the a gay actor should get the first audition. There are not enough good parts for a gay actor.
