Friday, August 31, 2018

Bye bye summer 2018 :(...

Ugh, ewwww, yuck. Tomorrow is September, I don't have anything against September it's what starts to happen after September. Today is the last day of summer for us basically, it actually came close to the end of garden season last night, there was frost on the deck roof but fortunately no ground frost, so the plants were spared. It's supposed to warm up today and be warmer and rain most of this week, so at least we will have a little extension. That's the frustrating thing about early falls, just when the gardens looks good, the frost comes and kills everything.

 Just remember little flowers, when it comes time for your final rest, daddy loves you. :(


  1. pretty flowers. frost on the roof? ALREADY?

  2. September always seems like the death of summer even though we have a few more weeks to go. The flowers are lovely.

  3. Frost, really? I'm not sure, but I think this is the beginning of fire season here. Summer went by so fast! I'm pretty sure we've got quite a few hot days left. Sometimes October can be really hot. I'm looking forward to cool. Also, your husband to be, Maddie, will becoming back sooner or later in September.

    You need to stop talking to your flowers, sweetie. Your cock is going to get jealous!

  4. Yes, there was a distinctly autumnal nip in the air here in Alberta this morning. We haven't had frost yet though, although the temperature is getting damn close at night.

  5. That's right, little flowers. Daddy loves you so much he is going to move far away to a land of concrete, car exhaust and despair, and never grow you again.

  6. "Summer' lasts a good deal longer here; you are welcome to it.

  7. urspo is right. summer last till October here. the mistress is nude most days till october.

  8. The end of summer is always so sad for me.
