Monday, June 4, 2018

Sinking feeling.

 My work sent me an email two weeks ago, it was regarding a project I worked on last summer and fall. The project is fully up and running now and they wanted to thank us. They said we would be taken on a day cruise to relax, eat, drink and enjoy conversation. At first as usual I was going to decline. My sister said don't be your usual stick in the mud, take some time to go out and enjoy yourself, I knew she was right so I accepted the invitation.

 This Thursday was the day we were supposed to go and I was looking forward to it. This morning I received an email from work, "due to blah blah blah canceling boat cruise blah blah blah sorry for the inconvenience blah blah blah". I hadn't left yet and when I looked up *Mr Bean was sitting on my bed. " You know Steve your life is more pathetic than any Mr Bean episode I have been in", as he stood up to go he added, "maybe it's just as well, with your track record the boat would probably be named Titanic III".

*Mr Bean is a British comedy character, he is also my patron Saint of all things regarding Murphy's law, he comes to me in my dreams and imagination to mock me, cruel, cruel mockery.


  1. I was never on a company outing or at a company party that was in any way enjoyable. I genuinely liked work and had no trouble playing their games from 9 to 5 but pretending I was having a good time off hours was pure torture. Hey, Steven, come down here and we'll take a boat ride of our own devices. One of my favorite things to do is ride the ferry to Cape May, NJ, and back. They even have a bar on board. No uncomfortable encounters with HR or management. I promise.

    1. Mike, I am packing my bags right now! Lol no but I'm going to take you up on that offer one day! :)

  2. Steven, you really need to switch out your spirit animal! Trade in Mr.(never anything nice to say) Bean for, let me see, Mike! He's got the right idea. I never could stomach that character, so maybe I'm projecting a bit. The next time he shows up, take out Mabel and spit on him!

    1. Deedles, that last line nearly made me wet myself, bahahaha!

  3. Steven, sweetie, are you okay?

    1. Deedles, nine out of the ten inside my head voices, say yes... I'm oooookay!!!

  4. Corporation can be evil. I've been treated really well by them (Five Star resort in Puerto Rico with a private concert by Sheryl Crow) to being kicked out the door after 32 years. I hope you are ok.

    1. RJ, I should have known something was up when they refused to take off the leg shackle!

  5. I love Mr Bean! Maybe they'll reschedule the cruise? I hope so.

  6. Debra, I love Mr Bean as well, I remember in my twenties there was a group of us that were cult followers of the show lol. As for the cruise, I think that ship has sailed, (sorry pun intended).

  7. I have never seen this Mr. Bean fellow but he doesn't sound good to emulate. Try Mame rather.

  8. Dr Spo, well anything that can go wrong for Mr Bean does, so right away I feel a brotherhood connection lol. The other thing fans like about the show is he often turns the tide and gets the upper hand.
