Sunday, June 17, 2018

Party til you... nap?

 Yesterday I was invited to a barbecue, it was a sudden decision of the moment for close friends and neighbours of mine. She decided to text a bunch of people and see who would come. I didn't see the text until almost time to go, the only thing I had to bring was pop, beer and pickles, I went to a local store and bought chips but any other option would take a couple of hours and I was running late getting there as it was. It stressed me out a little because I don't want to be one of those people who shows up to everything empty handed.

 They have a beautiful setting, large trees for shade and two lakes close by to enjoy. I didn't know most of the people there but it didn't matter, I trust the judgment of the couple, they wouldn't tolerate a rude person. Everyone was easy to talk to and I had a really good time. That is something I would have had trouble with at one time, being surrounded by strangers but I think you get more confidence as you get older. Plus my job has given me a lot of experience speaking to groups of people.

 The funny thing is that sometimes I forget how old I actually am, I identify with the thirty somethings but their parents were there as well, some of them are middle to late fifties so they are closer to my age than the kids. I'm not ready to give up on feeling young, I would like to not think of myself as a senior in waiting lol. However life steps in, the younger people had to leave because of kids waiting at home or jobs, pets etc. That left the wild fifty somethings to party on, we moved indoors to escape the cloud of mosquitoes that rise when the sun sinks. We decided to play cards, some drank wine, some drank tea, how wild and crazy is that, although to be honest I always liked dinner parties better than a big loud drunk.

 Sitting around the table, by eleven o'clock I could see everyone was having a hard time keeping their eyes open, including me. I decided to call it a night. When I got home it was 11:45 and I was ready to sleep standing up. I remember when it usually took until two or three in the morning to feel that way. I kind of laughed at myself because it used to be that we would say, "let's party til we drop" and now it's more like party until it's after eleven. I'm not ready to give up on my youth but I think my body sent it out the door when I wasn't looking.

 I think I am going to make up t-shirts and coffee mugs with a little saying that I have come up with, my friends always ask if they can quote me. I tell people that I am entering a stage in my life where I feel every little job I do deserves a nap.


  1. I'll gladly wear one-off those t-shirts! Yesterday I threatened to have t-shirts made as well: Team Ibuprofen.

    1. Mike, I will take one of your t-shirts! That's the only thing that can get my headaches under control.

  2. You made it until 11:00 pm? Yowza! I always conk out about 9:00, lol.

    My favourite saying about indolence and naps is: "How sweet it is to do nothing, and then rest afterwards."

    1. Debra, lol yes I get that, do nothing and take a nap from it! Hahaha!

  3. I can't remember the last time I went out and stayed up past 11. I'm usually in bed by 10.30 hugging one of my body pillows for life. I remember the days when I used to stay out and party until 2 or 3 am. The only thing I needed to bounce back was a cup of coffee in the morning. Now, I pray for a cup of coffee when I wake up just so I can get up. And if a handsome man brings me coffee to bed, then there is no reason to get up; I'll stay in bed all day with said man.

    1. Walter, if a handsome man brings you a cup of coffee in bed, then probably like me, you are still dreaming! Lol

  4. I went to a BBQ too last night....I left at 9.30 pm
    I'm more of a lightweight

  5. There's an eleven o'clock at night? Who knew!

    1. Yes Deedles there is an eleven o'clock but I think it's been moved much later than it used to be when I was younger. ;p

  6. I went to a party with a jazz band yesterday that ended at 9. How sad is that?

    1. RJ, that's very sad, there's still two more good hours of wildness to be had!

  7. Leaving for a bbq in 20 minutes. I took two naps today in preparation. Y'all crack me up!

    1. Mike, I never thought of that, napping before I do something, great idea!

  8. I think even since I have been reading you, as in your blog, not as in the library is open reading you,lol, you have come out of your shell some. So glad you went and had a good time. Impromptu events are sometimes the best.

    I am always up till at least 11-1130 week nights and far later on weekends. I have always been a nocturnal creature. We had a lovely weeding to go to yesterday, which I did end up dressing for, sigh... we danced for three hours before getting home around almost 1. Had a nightcap or two, had a round of nookie, and still couldn't sleep. I then took a G&T outside while the Lad went to bed. I was visited by three juvenile foxes, all playing about in between searching for mice in the ivy. They were so beautiful and didn't seem bothered by my presence at all. I finally hit the bed at 330. It was a good day.

    1. Maddie, I think I need a nap just from thinking about all the stuff you did that night!

  9. Mike- I bet if we all went into business with a t shirt shop and napping center, we'd could clean up!

    1. Maddie, plus my cut as an inspiration fee! Hahaha!

  10. I am the same way. Tonight I fell asleep watching was only 8:00! Pathetic!

    1. Michael, you are going to Peru, I give you props!

  11. these days I'mma lucky to make it to 9p. most nights it's 8p.

    like you, I am (almost) 64, but I think 40s. I'mma gonna keep on keepin' on til I drop!

    PS - I have seen you on spo and JP and debra and maddie. I think I will add you to my blogroll!

    1. Hi Anne Marie! I don't go to bed that early (8 or 9) but I find my brain becomes a zombie once the sun sets.
      Yes I have been around, I'm like a blog tramp! I like when you tell Trump to go f##k himself lol, thanks for stopping by.

  12. At Anne Marie....Steven was on me and I didn't even know it??? I better sleep with a eye open.

    1. Maddie, trust me sexy, if I was on you, guarantee you would know it!

  13. when in doubt: get horizontal.

  14. Dr Spo, there could also be a fun meaning to your statement! ;)
