Saturday, June 30, 2018

Over the top.

This morning as I came downstairs I was thinking about my dad, as I had said yesterday, today is the ninth anniversary of his death. I went to make breakfast and looked out the window. I know it's silly but I was looking for another sign, would the mother deer come back. Nothing, not even a cat. I went ahead, made breakfast, checked to see what all you brats were up to and sat down to eat.

 Suddenly there she was, the deer returned. I grabbed my binoculars to get a good close up view. I said out loud, "nothing could be more cute than a baby deer nursing". Suddenly a second baby deer appeared and ran to mom. That made me laugh, because if mother nature was sending me a message, the only thing sweeter than a baby deer, is two baby deer lol. The mother began to walk behind the barns and the babies were frolicking in circles around her through the daisies and other wild flowers, I found this hilarious because it was just too sweet, like a Disney movie. Then as she walked past a gate, a blue bird landed on the gate, no joking I then said out loud to whoever, "okay now you are just showing off"!


  1. Maybe you're really a Disney Princess and the universe is trying to tell you that.

    1. Debra, I'm clearly Cinderella, I have always deeply felt her story. Lol

  2. I love days like this. Before I went to the pool yesterday, I sat for a age at breakfast watching Bouvier my squirrel eat peanuts and grapes I gave him. They are so darn cute.

    But today, I'll behave and keep my nuts to myself before I get in trouble. I'll have a update on my baby bird soon...there huge already!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Maddie, well... if you didn't keep leaving your nuts out all the time, you wouldn't be in danger of losing them. Lol
      I am trying to get a picture without scaring the mother.

  3. But did you see 7 dwarfs?

    1. JP, lol no dwarfs, maybe they were off making an adult movie! Funny you said that because I was expecting Snow White to show up and start singing!

  4. (sings) some day, my prince will come...

    1. Anne Marie, well he better show up soon because I have been waiting on him for years!

  5. Definitely Disney princess potential, where's the handsome prince?

  6. Walter, that's what I would like to know!

  7. If you find a handsome prince, let me know if he has a single older brother.

  8. Well sadly RJ we both know that's not happening.

  9. Dr Spo, it was super sweet charming! Lol
