Thursday, June 21, 2018

Lights Final Great Battle!

 Today is the longest day of the year (technically speaking), June 21 is the final battle where light triumphs over darkness, after this day the darkness begins reclaiming the night. There is twilight here until almost eleven at night, dawn will break again at about ten minutes before four in the morning, I love this time of year, it's hard to believe when I am cutting the grass at eight in the evening, with the sun shining brightly, that in a few months it would have been pitch black for hours by then.

 I find this moment a little sad also, I guess my mom has burned this feeling in me, she hated winter and the long long dark nights. "Watch for the sun setting at the pine tree," she would say. One of life's funny oddities, as far as the sun makes it across the horizon in summer, there happens to be a large pine tree growing in that very spot on a ridge when viewed from our yard, as if a marker from mother nature. This evening I watched the sun set by the pine tree in her honor.

At ten o'clock this evening I marked the moment by taking pictures of the night sky

This is after ten p.m. the western sky
is still bright as is the north. Up north is daylight 24/7, there is no nighttime.

It's the first day of summer, everyone party! Woohoo!


  1. I always find the 21st bittersweet. Still looking forward to sunny days, not that we get many here in Lancashire, England but knowing the "the night's are drawing in" too.

    We have to try to enjoy each season in turn, don't we.
    I love your photographs. Very atmospheric.

    I started reading your blog by accident really, not sure if you wanted "a straight, middle aged woman" commenting 😀

    But I do enjoy it, especially when you talk about your gay issues. My son is a 33year old gay man with similar issues to yours and I feel it gives me more of an insight into his life, reading about yours.
    Best wishes, Christina.

    1. Hello Christina, yes you are very welcome to comment here, please do. I like view points from all different types of people, it helps me grow as a person. Thank you for the kind words about my blog. Yes the 21st is bittersweet, anyway we can enjoy ourselves now and worry about short days when September comes lol.

  2. @christina - I am a str8 64 year old woman; no worries.

    you can even see stars in your pix; since I am close to the city, the city lights block out the stars.

    and I despise the fact that the days start getting shorter today.

    1. Anne Marie, yes at night the sky is filled with stars, you can even see one of the coils of the milky way. That is actually one of the planets you can see, I'm not nerdy enough to know which one lol.
      I also despise the days getting shorter, during December it's black dark by 4:30 in the evening here. Anyway I'm going to enjoy the sun for now.

  3. Happy Summer solstice day! I hope your summer is long, hot, sweaty, and sexy. Enjoy!

    1. Walter, time to dance naked around the bonfire... well until the mosquitoes find us.

  4. Even though I live in the boonies and a cultural backwater, stars are still hard to see, thanks to the strip malls a few miles away. My non-nerdy rule: if it's bright it's a planet. If you can see it close to the horizon it must be Venus. You can also see Jupiter and Saturn with the naked eye but I find that the visible planet is almost always Venus.

    (waiting for the science nerds to pounce on me, oh this isn't that kind of blog?)

    1. Mike, maybe your eyesight is getting bad! One is in the west at dusk and one is beside the moon, so some nerd out there knows which is which.

  5. @ Christina welcome to the party! I'm homo-challenged (trying to come up with a more colorful way of saying straight), and past middle age at 62. Who lives to be 124?
    Steven, absolutely beautiful pictures. I can hear wolves howl when I look at them. I'm not ready for summer, period! This year it seems that winter stayed well past its welcome and spat spring out like a short lived lugie (classy broad, that's me). My youngest granddaughter turned eleven and I got another white hair. Unfortunately, it's on my chin! Sorry for the ramble, It's 6:30 and I haven't had my first cup of coffee yet. Yep, that's the excuse I'm going with this time :)

    1. Deedles, no wolves howling that night but I do often hear them.

  6. Great pictures.

    Welcome to Christina. Some of us live in the States but we're not at all like our leader.

    1. RJ, it's ok buddy, we know only about half your country is nutty, the rest are wonderful people! Lol

  7. What a welcoming bunch of people you all are!

    Looking forward to hearing from you all in the topics posted by Steven.

    Deedles..... Yes, who lives to be 124? 😀

    Thank you Steven for this place to meet. X

    1. You are most welcome Christina, if I could I would serve coffee, tea and cookies.

  8. No nighttime?!?!?!?!?!!?!? I would go nuts! I'm by far a night person. It's interesting because I love summer season the best and we usually have light from about 6am till around 8:45pm. But I like the very hot weather, but come winter I hate the cold but love that it gets dark at 5pm.

    Now might not be a good time to tell you I'm a vampire and like to suck.

    1. Maddie, oh is that why you look so pale! You know there are just too many good jokes to throw at you over the sucking comment.

  9. Steven, these are beautiful pictures. It gets light where I live around five in the morning, and gets dark around 9:30, but it starts changing back as of today. I was in Iceland two years ago and I found it quite odd that it never got totally dark at night. The Icelanders were telling me all about what winter was like. I don't think I could do it, but I'd love to experience it for a week or two.

    And Christina, Welcome. Like RJ said, those of us you live in the USA aren't all supporters of the idiot that occupies the White House.

  10. Michael, I am actually surprised that the pictures turned out, my camera in my phone is terrible.
    I wouldn't want to live where the winter is night all the time, plus the thing about hungry polar bears chasing you down for a snack!

  11. I must say I too love summer. The feel of the heat and sun makes this old stateswoman feel much more alive. In the winter it take a toll on this old body and doesn't help my joint in the least.

  12. Agnes, I hate feeling cold as well, at least if it's hot you can find way to cool down, when it's really cold all you can do is sit by a heater... or do house work but who wants to do that!

  13. Steven, I'm just the opposite! I find it easier to warm up than to cool down. I loathe excessive heat! If you're cold all you have to do is layer clothes, wear thermals, snuggle under blankets etc. It you're too hot there isn't much you can do once you're nekkid! Walking around in a damp towel can only go so far!

  14. Deedles, I guess for you it's different, you guys get really hot there so I can understand what you mean, for us we get really cold and sometimes it's just to the bones and makes a person not want to move. Plus speaking of bones, I am a bag of bones. I was trying to gain some weight but one night I fell asleep on my stomach and all my fat pooled there, yup that's my story and I'm sticking to it! ;)

  15. Steven, that is a good story to stick to, *snort*! It is 10:15 and already 91 degrees! The funny thing is, my arms suffer from neuropathy so they stay very cold, but only on the inside. The rest of me is sweltering. I would live in a pool if I had one. Lounging in the water, singing Baby Beluga. *SIGH*

  16. Deedles, the nights here are almost at the freezing point, send heat now! Lol

  17. Just how far up in Canada are you Steven? I know when I spent summers up in Canada I don't recall it getting cold in the summer months, but then again I was in Vancouver, Quebec, and Montreal, and Ontario, not out n the rural areas. Currently, it's 7:30 here, windows wide open, and it's 80 degrees. A beautiful night to lunge around.

  18. Not here baby. Summer solstice means Summer is here - and 4 months of hot hot hot weather.
