Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter to anyone celebrating Easter. I am having dinner with family, I did some baking last night as I have the most important part of dinner... desserts!

 Then when I get back I will tell you about the crazy events where I was helping out at the local arena. I was helping a team of twenty somethings with their equipment because the assistant coach was off with the flu and some how ended up a little drunk and having sex with two of them. Of course you do realize this is April first. :)


  1. That would be a great Easter memory!

    1. That would be one of those memories I would brag about for years!

  2. Replies
    1. Started to get your motor running didn't I Dr Spo! ;)

  3. I am shocked and dismayed. Even on April Fool's Day, there are topics that are inappropriate to joke about, and you have crossed that line. Baking dessert is no laughing matter.

    1. Mr Lurker, my sincerest apologies friend, please forgive me, I do take dessert seriously. Clever that you saw through my prank, I came up with it while resting after being with the hockey players, there were actually five but what would people think of me if I said that!

  4. And was one of them called Jacques Strappe?

  5. Will, oui, oui Jacques Strappe was there, only difference was that I was holding the pucks while he was holding the balls!

  6. Damn! You got me! Ha ha ha!
    Happy Easter!

  7. Walter, I knew the readers with the dirtiest minds would get caught! Hahaha! I missed you buddy, you busy with studies?
