Monday, April 30, 2018

Dear Subconscious, I Hate You!

 Sometimes people talk about the subconscious part of our mind as if it were almost a different person from us. I feel that way most times, I am not familiar with any of the theories or workings regarding the subconscious mind but I often feel like there is another person inside working against me. Basically my subconscious mind is a prick! The little bastard usually likes to get me while sleeping.

 Over my entire life, I have almost never had an erotic dream. Yes I did have a lot of those "messy" dreams as a younger man (a lot) but in those dreams I was always alone doing what I did in real life when alone and feeling aroused. I never got to have the dreams I hear others talk about. Imagine my surprise to find myself dreaming last night that I was young again, early twenties. I was staying at a youth hostel (which never happened) and we were all sleeping on the floor in sleeping bags, again this never happened, this was my mind totally making something up. Most of the young people had either gone off on a morning hike or were eating breakfast.

 There was a young guy sleeping next to me, we had hit it off the night before. He was there with friends, they all seemed straight. He was a bit of a rogue and very good looking. He suddenly became playful and I sent him the right signals, he rolled over under my blankets, positioning himself gently on top of me and things got heavy. It was so real, his warm breath, his soft kiss, the erotic sent of his body, his strong embrace, oh wow.

 Unlike the usual torture my mind likes to play, I didn't wake up, nobody suddenly ran in to stop us, we were not attacked by aliens. Halfway through I went into the bathroom to get something and when I returned my lover was still there, lying nude across the blankets. However.... and I have no idea where the hhhh this came from, but he was doing something so disgusting that it made me start to gag, at first in the dream and then in real life. I woke up so ticked off. What the fluff was that about, am I supposed to learn something from this, couldn't I just for once have a really cool dream like other people. Life is bad enough at times and I certainly don't need myself to add to that. This is not new however, I have always hated my dreams, they have always been torturing, I guess that says something about me but I don't really know what. Way to go subconscious Steve, you jerk! Ruined another good dream.


  1. So I guess this astral projection thing really works after all! I enjoyed having you in my dreams last night too. I got a few other ideas lined up for tonight's dream. It's gonna get wild in your sleeping bag tonight. Grrrrr!

    1. Walter, well if the first part of the dream was you, man oh man that was pretty intense, plus you're a good kisser too! Lol

  2. Sooooo....look at the bright side (you always make me want to bring up the bright side for some reason), at least you weren't being chased through a field by a giant smurf pelting you with nosegays!

    1. Deedles, I started laughing at soooo, I definitely want some of what you are putting in your tea! Did you say you have grandchildren? I bet you are the "fun" grandma!

  3. I have a dreamers dictionary. In the morning over coffee I’ll look up the meanings of them and it invariably confirms what a fruit cake I am.

    1. JP, I love your honesty, actually no I am relieved by your honesty.... whew. JP might be a little loopy but he's cool so it's not the end for me. Wait a minute, am I typing on my real world blog?

  4. C'mon, dude. You really have to get away from this aversion to feet. Licking guacamole off of somebody's toes may not be to everybody's taste (so to speak) but it is hardly disgusting enough to justify gagging and ruining your dream.

    1. Mr Lurker, unfortunately it was much worse, much, much worse than licking t.... hey you're not helping me! Can't I just have a normal sex dream like other people, you know where I get stranded on an island with a bunch of marines and to keep them from fighting amongst themselves I help them to... ease the tension so to speak.

  5. The odd thing about me...I hardly ever remember my dreams. I guess that's good in a way.

    1. M54, unless you can dream about future lottery winning numbers but forget as soon as you wake up!

  6. Mr Lurker, ewwww what do vaginas have to do with sex? You were wondering where to put your lips without affecting the ability to donate, how about placing them where the sun doesn't shine... see I can be a smarty pants too!

  7. After the last disappointment I will just stick to being chased by a bear, not the gay kind either.

  8. LOLOLOL!!!! You can't win. But I'm not taking credit for this dream. If I was in it, I'd make sure your subconscious was no where near you!!!!!!

  9. @Deedles...leave my nosegay out of this!!!! You know you enjoyed it!!!

  10. Maddie, nope it was nobody I know, my mind just made this guy up out of nowhere. I would be scared of you Maddie, I think you would wear me out but then on the other hand, what a way to go!

  11. @Maddie- It wasn't the nosegay. It was the giant smurf that was scary! Hell, so are the little ones!
    Steven, what would Maddie and I do with a room? I know, I know! He'd decorate it and I'd be complaining about it being too clean.

    1. Deedles, lol! "Decorate it", good come back, bahahaha! I don't get the smurf thing, I have to admit, was it something to do with his blue underwear?

  12. "What do vaginas have to do with sex"?!??

    Sorry, sticking one's lips or tongue up another person's butt also disqualifies one from donating blood, unless the butt in question is ladybutt. Then there are circumstances under which it is okay (eg not if you trade ladybutt for money or drugs).

  13. Old Lurker, I didn't say anything about sticking anything up anywhere, your dirty mind is clouding your thinking.

    You sure like to talk about women and vaginas a lot, are you sure that you are on correct blogs?

  14. Yes, I believe it had everything to do with his blue underwear! I read his post right before going to bed after a wonderful visit with my son and granddaughters. That picture was the last thing I saw before going to sleep. I suppose my sleeping mind felt the color, oops, colour was more smurf than cookie monster :)

    1. Deedles, Cookie was a darker blue so yes smurf was a better choice for your brain to torture you with. If your typing in the US, you can drop the u, it automatically gets added in once it hits the border. Yes I'm making that up.

  15. Oh my goodness. You're absolutely correct! All this time I have been reading the wrong blogs! No wonder I feel so out of place.

  16. Mr Lurker, I thought so! Anyway no worries, I am gay curious, we can hook up with a nice lady who is no lady in bed and have a devil's three way!
