Sunday, April 8, 2018

Character, Sunday Sermon V

 I think the character of a person is a way to measure true worth in society. If a Playboy model, someone who has had people taking pictures of her vagina, feels cheap and ashamed only after spending an evening with you, that says a lot about your character. If you spend an evening having sex with a woman who stars in pornography films and it's the woman who feels embarrassed to be seen with you, that says a lot about your character. If your young wife has just given you a son and this is what you do, I think that speaks volumes about your character, I think it also speaks volumes regarding how you view women.


  1. Has he accepted Jesus as his personal Lord and Savior? Then his character is good enough.

    There is nothing inherently shameful about being a sex worker, incidentally. It's a job like other jobs. In the end we are all wage prostitutes in one way or another.

    1. Mr Lurker, he accepts Jesus whenever it's convenient for him, just like many people in power. I disagree with you that selling yourself is not shameful, even the workers will tell you they are ashamed, why do you think so many turn to drugs etc to numb the pain. I don't however judge them, I think it's hypocritical of society to look down on people in the industry, while at the same time using their services.

  2. RJ, it's interesting how the right, especially the religious right was so outraged and felt the Oval Office was desecrated by Bill Clinton, yet now those same people are just shrugging say "oh well, boys will be boys"!

  3. I agree that many sex workers feel ashamed of what they do, in the same way that many people who are garbagemen feel ashamed of what they do. I also do not want to minimize the harms that come with sex work, or to minimize the fact that people are forced into it. But I do not think that sex work is inherently shameful, and I know that there are sex workers (Sasha Gray, Buck Angel) who are trying to reclaim the field.

    1. Mr Lurker, there is a world of difference between a garbage man wishing he had a better career and someone letting people use their body to get off, I've never seen a garbage man on tv promoting a book on how his job ruined his life. People were meant to be loved, not bought and sold, it doesn't matter what you say, I will never change my mind. Now what ever a group of two or more adults get up to, is none of my business.

  4. Replies
    1. John, actually everyone here is straight, we didn't want you feeling left out.

  5. Dr Spo, really? Well what does your HUSBAND say about your sexuality.... lol.
