Saturday, February 10, 2018

I hate you BECAUSE you're beautiful.

Do you know that perfect person, maybe you work with them, maybe they are an acquaintance of yours. I work with a lot of men who fit into that category. You know, the guy with handsome good looks, could almost be a male model, women comment or glance over when he is around. Nature didn't stop there, oh no, he also is really intelligent, he is always at the top of his field and has the academic awards as proof. This however is not enough, nature just has to give these people even more gifts to make us feel inadequate. He is also perfect in whatever sport he tries, everyone wants him on their team, even if he just tried the sport for the first time that day. Just a little practice time for an hour or so and he is an expert.

Sometimes you can't help feeling a little envious but wait, no it doesn't end there, turns out he is a really good singer, bands ask him to front for them, plays an instrument better than a lot of musicians, even though he only plays every now and again to pass the time. Has the perfect family, excels at every thing he does and just when you think it can't get any worse, you realize what a great person he is. Volunteers in fundraisers, helps less fortunate children, saves every f###ing lost puppy in the world making it impossible to hate him! I do however, just a little, why some people seem to be given so much while others have to really work hard for every little inch they get. Imagine working with dozens of guys like that. There are not many women where I work but the few who are, usually again the top women have a full range of perfection.

Hey guy, I hate you "because" you're beautiful but I love you too, because you're perfect, you're beautiful inside and outside and I wish I was too. Sometimes I think the guys would be very unsettled if they knew what I was thinking. There is no malice here, don't worry about that. The opposite actually, I would like to be the ugly betty in their bi-curious orgy, well at least we know it would probably be perfect. Take for instance the other day, when sandy blonde hair with blue eyes came to tell me something after his noon workout. Standing there in his form fitting soft cotton shorts and t-shirt, with that erotic glow of sweat, running down his chest and asking me what I want to do next. I said I would like him to raise his arms, while I pull off his shirt and then strip him down in the shower, keeping his arms half raised I would then gently scrub him down from head to toe. Well actually what I said was bring me the unit and I will repair it but you know tomato, tomahto.


  1. Sounds like you're crushing on someone, and he may not know about it. Or you'd like to tell him, but it wouldn't be appropriate. I know that's been true for me on many occasions and subway rides when I lived in NYC. I marveled at how many times I could fall in love and go home at the end of the day empty handed. Then one day I allowed myself to fall in love with them all and say, "It's okay. It's better this way."

    I seem to recall a certain photo of a certain guy sitting on a certain wall in a certain country and thinking to myself: "How handsome he looks. How handsome he is. If only I..." And then I thought, "It's okay. It's better this way." He seems like the nicest of guys.

  2. Walter, yup that's me, hot stuff lol. That was a "few" years ago and I was picky about what photo to keep. To be honest I'm average looking, people don't really notice me in a crowd and I'm ok with that. You seem like a decent person also, you are in a city, there must be other gay people there you could meet! Lol

    There is more than one guy at work that I find attractive; however all are married with children so I just admire the view. Most are also really nice guys, very progressive. It makes me beam inside when they talk about gay people in really positive ways and laugh at people who put us down, they see them as idiots. I'm kinda bad.... I play the country red neck to get them going, maybe one day I will tell them. Lol.

  3. Great post. I always look at people like that and wonder why things aren't always doled out on a more level playing field. As a teacher, I see the same things. Some students have everything: Good looks, brains, and athletic ability. Not all, but a lot of them are also nice kids too! I always try and help the less fortunate ones in the above mentioned departments realize their worth.

  4. Michael 54, I really felt that when I was young, many of my classmates just seemed to have everything going for them. I work with mostly engineers now so they were of course the brightest students when young. I was just having a little fun with this post, I don't hold any jealousy towards them, it's just that besides being brilliant with a great career, they usually are hot looking and also terrific artists or athletes or musicians or or or! Most times all of the above, I can't but help feel cheated in the gifts department.

  5. Happily I know no one perfect and I don't fall for false fronts. I hope you won't either.

    1. Dr Spo, no I don't fall for false fronts, lol that's the problem with these guys, I have known some for years, they have never wavered, they are the real deal. Seriously though, I really respect them.

  6. When I was growing up there was this guy at school. Let’s call him Mike. He looked great. He was good at sport. He was clever too. He dated all the time, was never short of girl friends. Yeah I was envious of some of it. He went to university and got a great job. He was always on the next step up, and I hadn’t had mine yet. He was the most likely to... if you know what so mean.
    Well it turns out Mike had a difficult relationship with his parents. They fell out in his 20s and they never really made up. So he concentrated on finding a partner. He married in his 30s and had kids. He had a big house and a car and all the trappings but, he was still on his next step up. So he split with his wife and moved into an apartment. He’s estranged from his family and from his kids. I met him recently. We had a coffee and a chat. He still looked great and he was still clever. He works out too. I told him I had been envious of him growing up. I told him I was gay, broke, flabby, but married to a guy who I thought loved me and made great paella. I’m not envious any more.

    1. JP, yes there are people who may seem to have it all but don't, then there are people who do, I don't begrudge them for what they have. I just wonder why some people seem to have been given every gift possible. Maybe it's genetic, maybe if some traits are perfect, all other traits fall in line.

  7. I feel this way about several bloggers. Walter, for example, gets to see pictures of you on walls.

    1. Mr Lurker, what? You don't have pictures of me on your walls? I'm very attractive, hot actually, white white hot actually! Everyone here has pictures of me! Lol, don't feel left out, he is talking about photos from back in the days when blogger used to let me post photos.

  8. I've known people who have been gifted with perfect looks and a perfect life but there's was always something under the surface that was off kilter.

    1. Rjjs, I know everything is not always what it seems to be; however I know people who are perfectly perfect and I'm okay with that but some days I wish I had some talent, where I could just try something and it would be easy for me.
