Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Goodbye Febrrrruary.

 Last day of February or Febrrruary, actually thanks to global warming the last week has been bearable. December and January were insanely cold and that plays with a person's mind a little. February was normal but everyone was waiting to be smacked down again by subzero temperatures. Luckily that didn't happen, the temperature now is similar to what we get at the end of March. I know we are not out of the woods yet, so to speak. March can be its own disaster but at least only one more month until spring starts to take shape.

 I look at the calendar and feel relief that spring is on its way, we made it through another winter but at the same time I am thinking how is this possible. It feels like three weeks ago a local radio station was excited because it was November twenty-fifth, time to start playing Christmas music, now it's been two months since Christmas already? Dr Spo reminded me of the word zenosyne, the feeling that time is speeding up as we get older. I never was a fan of winter, it always felt like winter dragged on for about two years for me, now I find myself wishing it would slow down because at this pace it will be fall again in two weeks. Well actually I won't miss February, the feeling is more along the lines of, goodbye February don't let the door hit your behind on the way out.


  1. I don't know that I can take another winter.

    1. Mr Lurker, I hope you mean that you are going somewhere warm next year and not decide to kick the bucket on purpose!

  2. I'm not looking forward to March. It can be one of the snowiest months here.

    1. rjjs, yes same here, it can sometimes snow almost every day here in March and it's a heavy sticky snow. Right now it's raining here and supposed to be that way all week.

  3. I could do with a few more weeks of winter. It's been sunny and mild around the Sacred Bonfire. Breezy and warm with little humidity. Sitting outdoors in the afternoon has been quite lovely. I don't do well in hot weather, and here in South Florida we go from hot to miserable overnight. And with the humidity, one might as well get used to drippy shirts, wet armpits, and men walking around wearing socks and flip flops. Yuck!

    1. Walter, Florida? I know who I'm staying with next winter!!! Hahaha!

      I understand buddy, our summers can get very humid, it must be really bad for you guys.

  4. "The bad news is times flies.
    The good news is your the pilot."

    1. Maddie, yes until I crash! I googled where you live, you are almost directly south of me as the crow flies.

  5. February was cold here as well, although not as bad as other places.

  6. Dr Spo, I prefer cold to scorpions, lol.
