Tuesday, January 2, 2018

New Year, Old Year.

There is so much hype regarding the new year, I just don't really get it, probably a drawback from being too much of a realist. To me all the gums flapping about it being a clean slate, a fresh beginning or a new start, is an imaginary belief in my eyes. I don't get excited over New Year's day, to me it's just another day, in just another week, in just another month. It shouldn't matter if you started a diet yesterday, today or two months from now, if you're going to try to accomplish something, just do it when you are ready and not some made up starting point. I cringe when someone says Happy New Year, I know it's strange but I feel embarrassed when I have to say it back, to me it's pointless because we don't know what the next year will hold for us. It could be something happy, it could also be a devastating year for that person and life isn't going to change no matter what I say. I feel like I'm pretending so as not to hurt people with reality, okay I will make believe that Harry Potter waved his magic wand and the world is a different place today, compared to Sunday. Then again toasting in the new year is a good idea, a drink or two with friends to start things off never hurt anyone and since the tradition isn't going to go away you might as well benefit from it, plus I did get a bunch of pretty calendars for free to put up.


  1. Let's just hope we all have a great 2018

    1. John, I just read about you having a dog that tries to pull the pants off delivery men, I think you're in for a great year, maybe not so much for the delivery guys. Lol, good doggy!

  2. Replies
    1. rjjs, hallelujah! Lol, I would have rather gone out with you to a gay bar and hockey game! The only bar in this city for the older gay crowd closed, don't feel like hanging with college students.

  3. I totally agree...

    1. Michael 54, you better agree.... or else.... lol.

  4. Every culture needs a starting-over event, just to keep human beings sane. And the truth is, time on earth does go in a cycle of Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter, so there actually is an end and a beginning to the cycle. Where you put the New Year is arbitrary, and January makes the least sense of all, but it's where we are (until somebody powerful -- a Caesar or a Pope -- moves it again) so, give yourself a break and give yourself the opportunity to put the old stuff behind you and allow yourself to grace your life with a do-over.

    2018. Who-d a thunk it?

    1. Vivian, you are older, wiser and a woman, so that's three strikes against me, you're right! Happy New Year!

  5. Okay then I won't wish you a Happy New Year but how about I wish you all good things in the coming twelve months?

    1. I think it's a conspiracy. Only twelve months! What about after, are you saying you don't care after!?! Hahaha, thank you Will, you have earned the right to wish what ever you want, I wish happiness for you and Laurent infinite!

  6. Happy new year!

    (Oh stop it. You knew someone was going to do it.)

    1. Take away the "un" Mr Lurker. That someone had a 92.7% chance of being you!

  7. I think you need to move away from Ottawa in 2018, jump and get transferred anywhere else. This way
    the world may look totally different. I attended the Levee of the Lieutenant Governor of PEI and was the
    greeter at the door shook 500 hands and wished best New Year to all those people. It was fun.
    Hope springs eternal this is why we have New Year.

  8. Laurent, you are correct, I know I need a change up. My wish for you, would be that you and Will survive the impending mother of all winter storms that is barreling down upon your little island! Stay in the basement and chain yourself to anything heavy!!!

  9. I hope I am not too late here to wish you a marvelous 2018.

  10. Dr Spo, I think you need some snow, I'm sending you some!
