Thursday, October 26, 2017

Then "He" shows up.

I was at a friend's house, having a cup of tea and a slice of cake... because I never say no to cake. She was telling me about a wedding reception for an older cousin she had just attended. This man had lost his first wife about five years ago to cancer, he has three grown children. The man's youngest son is gay and may I add a very handsome young guy. My friend was saying the son was there with his partner and that the daughter was there with her partner also. I was so surprised, I didn't know the daughter is gay as well. My friend joked that there must be something in the water, then she went on to say it's nice that people don't think twice about gay couples. I never told this friend that I am gay, I have been trying to read her and her husband and thinking of a way to slip it in. I began to see my opportunity, I mentioned someone close to me that we both know who is also gay with a partner. She said that she already knew and how good it is that people no longer have to hide their relationships, that this generation is more accepting. I was relieved, she had a good attitude towards gay people and now I could finally tell her. No big deal, when she finished her sentence I would just casually say "and me as well" or something to that effect. All just very logical and straight forward (no pun intended), until "he" showed up. Yes emotional gay Steven saw his chance to appear, inside my head that is. Clapping his fingers together and building a flood of overwhelming "feelings" he went on and on about how he could reveal his true self to this friend plus release the chains of straight oppression, drama drama drama. This resulted in me nearly crying as I went to tell her that I am gay. I had to abort mission, I was really annoyed at myself, such a perfect opportunity ruined and for absolutely no reason, what the fluff! Now I will have to try another day when sensible Steven is in more control. Looks like coming out is still a big deal to me even after all this time. I think as well it may be because I have not really told anyone new for years. I just function between groups of people who know or don't know and if they sometimes cross over with each other, they can work it out. Ugh, I hate drama.


  1. Oh..".i do so respect your need to be private.....but please take that first step........

    I remember telling my best male friend that I was gay I was a nervous wreck. He is straight. Married. Sports mad.
    He was my badminton partner..a real Yorkshireman .
    I told him in an Irish pub over a pint of beer.
    He nodded silently when I told him and after an age
    Told me " does that mean occasionally I have to go to a gay bar with you?"
    We both laughed ....and that was that

  2. Thanks John, I actually love positive coming out stories. The first friend I ever told was a straight male friend, I would never have believed the first person to find out would be a straight male friend and yet he was the most supportive of all the people I told. The crazy thing which bugged me so much about the other day, was that there was absolutely no reason for me to get emotional, I wasn't even worried, it just suddenly happened as I went to speak.

  3. You raise a good point. I have several friends also who are gay, and they have friends and family who couldn't be more gay accepting, and they did the same thing you did. Knowing they are accepting with no issues, I wonder what causes this?
    My one friend was crying, but never told her what it was she's thinks he is just mentally nuts.

    John Gray's scenario seems to be more and more the norm now.

    1. Steven, I have been in that position as well, friends who have had gay close friends for years.... and yet I couldn't get the words out. Once I was so frustrated with not being able to tell a friend, that after speaking with her, I wrote an email telling her I am gay, closed my eyes and hit send. She was so excited that I trusted her that much to tell her. Lucky for me I didn't hit delete since my eyes were closed.

  4. So sorry that all this is so difficult for you. I am willing to bet your friend does know and was opening the door to you to see if you would say something and confide in her.

    1. Laurent, you are probably right, at least I also think she suspects. I don't think she was on purposely opening that door; however I actually was opening it, emotions shut it. I am just more resolved to get it over with. It's not that big of an issue, I was caught off guard.

  5. I agree with Laurent. It seemed to me, reading your account, that your friend was doing her best to invite you to take your friendship to another level, to give you the chance to tell her. I'm sorry that it's so difficult for you to say, but I'm sure it will not be difficult for her to hear. You're a good person, and your friend would want to know.

    1. Vivian, you could be right, on purpose or not it was the perfect moment. Sometimes I feel frustrated with my emotions becoming overwhelming, I am not sure if it is an age thing or because of watching one parent die and another lose their mind.

  6. I’ve met lots of people who have regretted not coming out, but never met anyone who has regretted coming out.
    Everyone has their moment. Yours just hadn’t happened yet.

    1. JP, I am not sure if you think that I'm not out, I am out-ish. A lot of people know I am gay. Yes I agree with your statement because it is a fact for me, I never regretted telling anyone, I've only regretted waiting so long. That was part of my frustration with not being able to tell her without being a blubbering idiot while doing so, lol.

  7. Steven,
    I understand how you feel. I would feel the same way. Perhaps the timing wasn't quite right. Thanks for sharing your story.

  8. Michael 54, I think maybe the way I was about to say it was wrong, actually I don't know, I'm a big baby I guess!!!
