Saturday, July 1, 2017

July First Eh!

Today is Canada day, I am not the type of person who runs out waiving the flag and partying like there is no tomorrow but I do like to take a moment and think about where I live. Especially in light of the way Canadian society generally sees gay people but that is only a part of my appreciation for living here. I know how lucky I am and I often think "whew" when I see things going on around the rest of the world. The trees here bleed maple syrup for Pete's sake, life can't get any sweeter than that! Yes that pun was intended, some people are thinking about changing our national anthem from Oh Canada to that pop song "If I were you, I would want to be me too" but that's just rubbing it in. ............................................ The old girl (Canada) is turning 150, so a baby actually compared to other countries. Yes we have our flaws but the difference is we are working to correct many of them. I am going to take part in some of the local smaller towns celebrations, less crowded and I will know people, I find that more enjoyable. Happy Canada Day.... eh!


  1. We are having less than 'eh' on this side of the wall.
    Your country looks quite stellar from this point of view.

  2. I would do anything to live in Canada right now! I have always admired your country, and with the recent election I longingly look to the border! Hope you had a great day celebrating.

  3. July first, eh? A day before my birthday! Sadly I'll be in southern NJ where there is NO INTERNET WHATSOEVER so I'll have to wait. BTW are ...
