Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Remember, it's about love.

Sometimes I completely forget that I'm gay and there are times when I say to myself, "oh that's right, I'm a little different from other guys". Other times I get so hung up over the politics of being gay, the actions of being gay, the pornography associated with being gay, that I forget what the real goal of being gay is. Lately I have been googling images of guys kissing, snuggling, holding hands, getting married and other every day normal things that couples do. Sometimes it just gives me a boost, a reminder to say, "you are off track, find someone to share your life moments with". I see couples and think, that is what I want. I remember now, it's not about bars, six packs or rainbows, it's about finding that special someone to cuddle with on the couch. It's about having someone to complete your circle, it's about love.


  1. I think of things a little differently....and different is th word I dont want to use
    We are not different
    Ok we like cock to pussy ( to put it crudly) but thats the main and only difference
    We love, like you said, we hate, we fight, we bicker, we adore, and we live like anyone and everyone else.....

    Wearenot different
    We are the same

    1. I understand your point, our relationships at the core are the same and I agree completely, we are not an alien species, we are human. However I am not the same as a straight guy, every day in my life leading up to now has been different in many ways and that is a part of who I am. It's like men and women are the same but different.

  2. I think you hit the nail on the head. It's about finding that special someone. It's easy to hook up with a guy for sex but it's a lot harder to find a guy to share a life with.

    1. rjjs, yes sadly that's true, I think a lot of guys are not honest with themselves. They want intimacy and affection but seem afraid of a relationship

  3. I think you hit the nail on the head too. The hard part is finding that certain someone!

    1. Michael 54, I have a t-shirt that says "Mr right now" instead of Mr right, no one at work gets it sadly lol.

  4. Looking at positive images is a good thing. You should set up your own Pinterest page.

    1. No what I really need is pictures of you and hubby holding hands and kissing! Hahaha, just kidding, I wouldn't put you on the spot like that.

  5. I would agree with you but not all the way.
    Not everyone needs/should have a monogamous relationship, or a relationship at all. Perhaps in one's life there were be times of all sort of variations of sex/love/relationships
    Whatever, the important thing is you get what you want. I really hope you do.

    1. I am just writing about my choices, not sure why you felt otherwise. I would never tell another couple how to lead their life, I'm pretty open about that sort of thing.

  6. Mr right now"!!!!!!!! That is funny! And that is where I'm at now. After a failed 3 year relationship and then a 11 year one, I for some reason hesitate to settle just yet. I hope I can give in one more time to someone.

  7. Hello Maddie! Even funnier the truth is that I would probably wet myself if some guy came on to me because of the t-shirt.
    Two long term relationships, eleven years is a pretty good run, that must have been hard when it ended, maybe third time's a charm for you!
