Thursday, March 10, 2016

Security! Canadian Impostor!

In Canada the media is going absolutely bonkers, like screaming fans at a Justin Bieber concert, they are gushing and fawning over a different Justin, our prime minister of Canada. There is a total analysis this week of every detail including clothes, menus, agendas, what may or may not be said tonight, because tonight is the state dinner with president Obama, or as the American media has been reporting, today is Thursday. Shockingly however a fraud is about to be committed! Call security, call in the secret service, call in the Donald to check documents because... how embarrassing but Justin Trudeau is NOT our head of state, the Queen is, he is an impostor! Leave it to the selfie taking, panda cubs holding, photo shoot loving prime minister to run in and hog the camera on Queen Elisabeth. Lol, lol, I can just see a certain other blogger choke after reading that. Everything I think should run smoothly, President Obama and Prime Minister Trudeau are cut from the same cloth so to speak and should find common ground despite the age difference. I can't resist this but also I imagine that Justin and Michelle Obama will bond over trading great hair tips like the latest styles and hair care products; however sadly this may be the last this will happen, if Americans vote in the one we dare not mention, I doubt there will be any dinners after, especially the part about great hair tips, that just wouldn't make sense.

1 comment:

  1. I like Mr. Trudeau. He seems the anti-Trump. I suppose there will be great antipathy when Herr Hitler Trump ascends the throne.
