Saturday, April 11, 2015

Gay Secrets, That Gays Don't Know!

I read the other day about secrets the gay community keeps from the rest of the world. Like anal bleaching, apparently we all do this. I didn't get the memo! Wow this gay stuff is so secretive, that even gay people don't know about it. Why do we bleach, I mean am I supposed to show that off after? Next is the gym, I read that gay people go there to... to, well we are supposed to go there to give each other a helping hand if you know what I mean. Again no memo here, I didn't know this, no wonder so many gay men are hot. I thought they went there to beef up. We keep straight women from marrying men, maybe it would make more sense to think that a woman who hangs around a gay crowd, is likely not a traditional type of woman. So her goal in life probably doesn't include a husband with 2.5 kids. However I'm sure it's totally our fault. We are teaching young men to be gay, through tv songs and movies. This is so dumb, mostly because it's not a secret, most know by now it's true. I was at the national gay agenda association the other night and our guest speakers were telling us how well things were going. In fact they were having a massive gay bi trans orgy after. I was pretty excited but they asked me to leave, they said " Steve you didn't anal bleach, didn't you get the memo, you can't stay here". Apparently we also encourage the keeping of cats as pets, because their independent and aloof nature flies against family values. When did stupid become part of family values.

1 comment:

  1. I missed out on the memos and manuals as well.
    And I had to buy my own toaster.
