Saturday, February 21, 2009

Conveniently Devout

Last week I happened to be flipping through the channels when I heard a comment about homosexuals. I stopped to listen and it was an interview with a devoutly christian man. I should have known better than to listen but I did. He was saying how as a collage dean he often finds himself in hot water over his views about gays. He said that Canada has become perverse and is condoning perversion because it has accepted gay marriage. He went on to brag about how he is fighting to 'save' marriage, he said he is doing it because he "knows" it is the truth because the word of the bible is the truth and he lives exactly by the bible. According to him gay people should live celibate lives and focus all their desires on God I assume.

I think it must be sickening for non christians to have to hear about these people always trying to interfere in their lives because it is bad enough for gay christians to have to listen to this. After running on at the mouth about how he is the crusader of marriage, he goes on to say he understands marriage better than anyone because he was married twice. His excuse for the second marriage was that during his first one, he had not met Jesus yet so he did not know how to treat his wife.

This is the hypocritical bull that just drives me crazy. If he lives "by the word" (for the non christian readers), Jesus forbids a second marriage... EVER! Only if one spouse dies. He said we can divorce but we can not remarry because God joined the two people together and no man can undo that. He went on to say that if a man remarries (like this minister), he is still married to his first wife, so he is committing adultery, LIKE THIS HOLIER THAN THOU MINISTER IS with his second wife! Example: Luke 18 Any man who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery; and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery. I can understand the minister getting married young and making a mistake, but if I have to live by the word, then he has to live by the word. He has to leave this woman he is bedding now and go back and try to make his first real marriage work. If his first wife will not take him back, there is no problem, whenever he is lonely, he should find comfort in God and pray like I am suppose to. When he has desires, he should place all his energy towards God, because is that not what he expects gay people to do? Why do all these back woods, red necks always live by "do as I say, not as I do." They are just using the bible to support the last acceptable form of bigotry. When it comes to gay people we are expected to take the bible word for word, but when it comes to straight people, well then it is quite acceptable to play with the interpretations. Instead of doing what he says, I think all gay people should follow his example and search out the one person that makes you happy and be with them, besides.... that book says the earth has four corners... I think we can make at least some updates!


  1. Great post Steven!! And yes, this man is commiting adultery.

  2. John, what the heck are you doing up at 2:00 in the morning! Don't get me wrong, I am not attacking people who got divorced, it is just there are so many people who say we have to live by the exact word of the bible, yet they do not! If a person says everyone should live by what is written down, then they should have to as well! The best weapon to fight bible thumpers... is the bible!

  3. I think Jesus had their number... "Ye blind guides, which strain at a gnat, and swallow a camel."

  4. Steven, these people aren't really Christian, I am convinced. Somewhere back in the 4th through the 19th centuries, the real message of Jesus was hijacked, perverted, twisted and prostituted to political and power-hungry agendas. But for the fact that they have their tentacles all over our political systems where they push their homophobia on the population--the reason the founders of the United States wanted a separation of Church and State--they are irrelevant. Irrelevant morally, ethically and socially. Irrelevant to the honest, open lives men like you and Dave and Fritz and I are living in the world.

  5. Poor Steven...I think you need to start blocking certain channels on your telly!

    Don't listen to these creeps. They really aren't very Christ-like, which seems to me has very little to do with being "Christian", anyway.

    ; )

  6. Great post, buddy. You've looked at some aspects that haven't been brought up in the common arguments.

  7. What's the phrase? Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones? Tell him to "put 'em up" next time! ;-)
