Friday, December 19, 2008

Closed For The Holidays

It seems that I may be bouncing between my place, my parents and Dave's for the next few days. In that case I better take this moment to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

I may not be blog writing for a while and if so I did not want to miss out on wishing all the best to my blog buddies since a lot of you played key roles in helping me feel good about the whole being gay thing.

I also understand it is the beginning of Chanukah this weekend so I wish a Happy Chanukah to anyone who is celebrating it.

Okay just for fun, in keeping with yesterday, I think I just watched the worst Christmas movie EVER! I was sitting there stunned with how much of a tool this movies was. Drum roll please...brrrrrrr the worst Christmas movie ever on Steven's list has to be 'Bad Santa' with Billy Bob Thornton, well I guess never trust a movie with a guy named Billy Bob as the star, (actually I like him in other movies). I just sat there waiting for the movie to redeem itself but there was almost no point to it, I did not find it one bit funny either. I began to watch something else for about half an hour hoping the movie would pick up, however when I turned back to the movie, it was still really bad. The worse scene of all is a drunk Santa pissing his pants while little kids are coming to see him, sorry for the "p" word but that is how gross I felt when I saw that. Strange but I thought after Tim Allen did a bunch of Christmas movies it could not get worse, guess I was wrong. Now for the fun part, in 'your opinion' name a bad Christmas movie. One you thought was really awful or one that you are so sick of, you feel that you can't turn the channel fast enough.

As for happy thoughts, to me I just love to see The Charlie Brown Christmas cartoon, it always helps to put me in the Christmas mood. It makes me think of being a kid again in simpler times and transports me back to Christmases past. Anyway, you people enjoy your holidays, all the best and if not soon, then see you in the new year.! ;)


  1. And best wishes to you and Dave for a Happy Christmas and a warm, wonderful 2009. To have been entrusted with your confidences and given the opportunity to support you in your journey from in to out has been a privilege and a joy, particularly getting to see how it's all worked out. Have a great time!

  2. Worst Christmas movie of all time is a tie between Santa Clause 3 and Fred Clause.

    My favorite ones are A Nightmare Before Christmas and National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation.

  3. Have a Merry Christmas and enjoy your time with Dave & family.

  4. just to say merry xmas from Norway...i dont coment much but I read.


  5. Has anyone seen the Star Wars Holiday Special? Now that was bad.

    Steven, don't spend it all in one place. ;0) Merry Christmas.

  6. Steven, you make being gay look good! Seems it's been a really good year for you. Congratulations, and have a great holiday.

  7. Merry Christmas to you, my friend!

    I hope the days ahead hold many sweet and festive moments for you and Dave by the glow of some Christmas tree or fireplace or other...

    : )

  8. Enjoy the Yuletide celebrations and have an Happy Year!!

  9. Happy Holidays to you as well, Steven! I will agree with your assessment of that movie. I can recall seeing the trailer and saying, "What makes this movie worth seeing?" Have a wonerful time with family and friends!

  10. I am lucky never to have seen "Bad Santa." Honestly, it didn't appeal to me from the ads. Some stories should never be told.

    Let me take this moment to tell you how grateful I am that you told your story here. This is what people need to know when considering the impact of legislation and doctrine. Your happiness and peace are what every person deserves. Merry Christmas, Steven.

  11. Merry Christmas to you...

  12. Merry Christmas and the best of everything to you in the New Year! I'm glad that you're around. :)

  13. Hope your holidays were fantastic...and that your Happy New year's off to a rousing (or lazy) start...
