Friday, March 21, 2008

Someone Is On My Path

For those of you who celebrate Easter in one way or another, I want to wish you a Happy Easter and to enjoy a good long weekend. For the many people in Canada and the Northern States who are suffering under this constant snow assault, just hang in there we are getting closer to a real spring..... I hope! Easter with the message of renewal, hope, life awakening and returning from the death of sin or winter, depending on your belief system, is a good time to reflect, pray, worship. I always see spring as a new beginning, to me it is the New Year.

Dave and I have decided to go away together for the weekend, we are going to a larger city with a better gay night-life, heck they even have a gay day-life! I'll try to get pictures and put them up. I am actually quite excited about this, going with another gay person to take in some gay culture. It is so nice not to have to go through things like this alone anymore. That is one of the really cool things about Dave, not only is he my boyfriend, he is also a really good friend. We are both easy going people, so if one of us points out a hot stud, the other is comfortable enough to say 'yeah he is a hot stud' and it is just left at that, we both know it has no other meaning. I always believed that would be important in a relationship, lovers but best friends as well. This will also be another mile stone for me, first time going away on a trip together. I have mostly travelled alone before or with family but never with a boyfriend. My first and only other boyfriend and I hardly had time to see each other in the first place, let alone getting to go away together. Sometimes it is hard for me to be in a relationship after being alone for so long, I often find that I need my 'down time' or 'alone time' to recharge, if that makes sense. Dave understands and has no problem with it, as I said before he is down to earth and we can work through most things so far. I am getting use to the idea of being part of a couple however, and I find that I can't be away from him too long. If I don't see him for a few days I quickly become on edge, lonely and feeling down at the same time. I am part of a couple now and it catches my breath so many times, while on this path of life, that I can look back and see I am no longer walking alone, that with a big smile on his face, someone is walking on my path as well now.


  1. What a wonderful path of discovery you are on with Dave. It is such a delight to read about it; I hope you will tell us all about your weekend!

    Hubby and I have been together for 36 years, and I have always needed time alone every day to re-energize. ( It's not a defect; it's the hallmark of an introvert.) Enjoy the peace of being alone, knowing that it will give you the wherewithal to contribute to the relationship when you are together.


  2. I know exactly what you mean with the alone time because I got the same. For me it is one of the reasons I prefer to have my own home (so not live together with my bf). Have a nice trip, come back with lots of photos, stories and thoughts on all the new experiences you enjoyed!

  3. Thank you for your sweet words -- stick another pin in just for me... :-) Very well written post. This is just the thing I want in my life...Thank you for writing it...

  4. I envy your delight. It is wonderful to share life and yet be yourself and to be loved for just who you are.

  5. Funny that you have a problem being a "couple" after being alone for so long. Enjoy it. It is wonderful.
    Funny, after 30 years my partner left me for someone else and I have to get used to living on my own. I was 28 when we got together, and times have certainly changed.
    I am happy for your good fortune and wish you both the best future possible.
    Only one suggestion I offer; always communicate; don't hold back, if it needs saying, say it.
    Be true to yourself and you will be true to him. Trust me on this.
    And so it goes.

  6. enjoy your togethe rime this weekend steven.

    you'll eventually find that balance between your alone time and your together time.

    me and my boyfriend own a business that we run together so we are together 24/7 but we do find ways to take a break from each other. we have to. as much as we love each other, being together so much eventually does grate on the nerves.


  7. Thank you for sharing your stories- really puts a smile my face. Enjoy the weekend!

  8. Isn't it great? And you hit it on the head: if a relationship is really going to work in the long run, your partner also should be your best friend. I think that's what has made Marc and me so strong as a couple. He is my best friend.

    Enjoy your trip! If you come to New York, please let us know! We'd love to meet you!

  9. Have fun on your weekend away!

  10. The "me time" is very healthy. I was in a relationship once where I devoted all my time to my partner and it all fell apart because I hadn't given myself enough time to develop myself. Good for you for having the strength and confidence to make this part of your relationship from the beginning.

  11. Hope your trip was great :) I hear ya on wanting to be alone sometimes after getting together with Dave. That's good he's understanding about it. My bf and I used to get into arguments about this since he doesn't get it how why I would want to be alone and spend time with him... It took me a little getting used to with doing things with him, but I think we're almost there. We're both easy-going so that helps a lot with figuring things to do/places to see. And he has some weird schedule these days so he's off on the weekdays sometimes, while I have the apartment to myself when he's at work :) Funny but now I miss him when I'm by myself...

    Am really glad for both you and Dave *Hugs*

  12. Who knew that this would come to fruition for you in such a short time? I hope you guys had an enjoyable time together and were able to discover more about each other. I look forward to the "follow-up."
