Monday, October 15, 2007

Karma, You Beotch

Since the time we were very small children, my mother always told us never to gloat at some one's misfortunes, even if we really disliked that person. The trouble is that life has a way of coming back on you, so what you laugh about now may come back to haunt you later. I have always taken this to heart and I am glad to say that when a person who is not in my good books, has a problem, I never think "good you're going to get yours now". I always feel empathy for them if they've lost a job, became ill, etc. I think people read that sort of kindness from a person and if you are like that and find yourself in a bad situation, you will also find a lot of people that want to come to your aid.
What brings this to my mind today is what I learned about a woman that I know of. I had met her a few years ago while taking some courses. At first she seemed nice enough but as I got to know her more, there was a hidden mean streak lying underneath. She liked to make sure everyone knew that she was 'born again' , I respect every one's choice in religion so I have no problem with that. The thing that started to rub me the wrong way was the statements she would make during break time discussions. An example would be, while a group of us were discussing something we had heard about how some people thought they could cure people of homosexuality, she blurted out "there is a cure for homosexuality" we all turned towards her and she said "its called AIDS". Why a person would make such a statement is beyond me, because really she should have just said "I'm a dumb ass, bush hermit" and it would have gained her the same amount of respect. That changed the topic onto AIDS and her response was that we are wasting money that could be used elsewhere. The cure for AIDS was celibacy and the ones who had it now deserved to get it because they were leading an immoral life. She would go on and on about how her family was going to be brought up the proper way. With people like that I always think how easy life is for them, everything is so perfect that they can't even think what it must be like to walk in someone else's shoes even for a few steps. Needless to say I almost never speak to her if I see her in public because honestly I really don't care how she is doing or what she is doing and I can't put the energy towards the phoniness of asking or making polite conversation.
The karma that came into play was revealed to me this weekend, I discovered she is the proud grandmother of a bouncing product of a teen pregnancy. Although the kids that are the parents and the parents that are the grandparents will all try to come together and make the best of an awkward situation, it still will turn every one's lives upside down. I wish them all the best, I really do but I also hope in the sleepless nights that followed finding out that her little girl was pregnant, she also suddenly realized that people are just people and we all make mistakes. That not only do all people make mistakes but that we ourselves and loved ones close to us make mistakes. Understanding that we should all then have compassion for when something bad happens to a person and if we are lucky, we and the people we love will avoid the mistakes that scare us the most. However if someone chooses to sneer and laugh at other's misfortunes then how much compassion can they expect from the rest of us when karma comes calling and it will come and it can be a real......


  1. Its usually the people who put on a facade that their lives are perfect are the one's that fall the hardest. Nothing in life is perfect and trying to pretend life is perfect is sometimes more damaging than just living life.

  2. I ALWAYS watch what I say or do. After what I went through at birth, it's a miracle I'm alive. I don't take life for granted. Such a revealing post, Steven. Hopefully others will follow.

  3. You're right on.
    Those who throw stones...well you know ;)

    Look at all the Larry Craig's, priests, etc. who get caught doing the unholy and the first thing out of their mouth, is that their not gay. That's their #1 worry in how their viewed?? Bizarre.

    Life is full of lessons, if you pay attention. I hope she did :)

  4. Funny how the ones who are loud and long in professing their righteousness are usually the ones with demons in their own closets. I'd rather state right off the bat that I'm deeply flawed and don't have all the answers. It's hard to learn and grow when you think there's no room for improvement.

  5. excellent post true this is never know what goes on behind closed doors

  6. I don't what I believe about karma. I would like to think that people don't get themselves in trouble because of what they say, but because of actions they take as a result of not thinking. Saying horrible things about other people, well the lesson is learned when the gossiper turns around and the finds that since they gossiped, people found it easy to gossip about them.
