Sunday, March 22, 2020

Apocalypse now, right now!

 Today I took the car out for a spin, it's not good to leave it sit idle for too long, especially at this salty time of year.  As I passed through the first small village near me and then a larger one, it felt so surreal. I saw no one. Even the usual people that are always around doing something in their yards had vanished. There were also no other cars on the road. Most people got the message, most people are staying in their homes.

 Unfortunately there is always an idiot in every crowd. Yesterday a woman who is positive for the COVID-19 virus, was arrested. She refused to self isolate, I hope she enjoys her cell. The Canadian government has given a warning, do as we ask or lose liberty and we will make you comply. They are talking about closing the borders between provinces, something that has never been done before, something that has never been imagined before. The border between Canada and the United States is also closed except for goods and supplies, something that also has never been done before.

 I look back at posts and emails from as little as a week ago. I knew it was going to get bad... but even I didn't see it being this bad. Closing the border would be difficult for me. I live in one province but work in another. Most of my friends are in another province, as is my sister. Also frustrating, my boyfriend and I would be separated. I see the irony of this, finally meet a nice guy after all these years and we will be separated. We are already apart, counting down the days until we can reunite... and now this because of a few idiots. They said it could be months.

 At least our governments at all levels are taking this seriously. Actually they are all really doing well, all parties have pulled together and there is a lot of brainstorming to lessen the impact of the virus. Unfortunately there are always clueless people, they worry me. 

People are keeping their distance, my honey bunny was telling me about people sitting around talking in a local park with everyone's chairs three meters (9feet) apart. I'm lucky here, I can get outside no problem. If they do a lock down, people in the city will be confined indoors.

 I was reading about pollution levels rapidly dropping around the world, in the air and water. The world is on hold, this is unbelievable, who would ever think that the economy would shut down worldwide!  It seems the world wide disasters just keep getting bigger, strange days indeed. Sorry everyone, this is just a rambling sort of post, a little dumbfounded to be honest because we have all found ourselves in an apocalyptic or armageddon type of movie, we can't guess the ending or how long the movie runs. Stay in, stay safe people.


  1. I hope there isn't a sequel to the movie.

  2. It's a crazy, crazy time. I mean, WTH with that woman refusing to self-isolate? Is it that bad to be at home? Guess so, LMAO! xD

    1. Her husband probably drives her nuts 😎

    2. Hot guys, maybe her Netflix is not working. I hope they water board her!

    3. HuntleyBiGuy, I'm guessing the husband is not the problem if she has one.

  3. "I was reading about pollution levels rapidly dropping around the world, in the air and water."

    Like I said to you in a comment on Dave's blog..a higher power or Mother Nature and karma will have a way to balance these things out. The way humans treat each other, pure greed, take and take and take from the planet, use up resources, the treatment of animals, and the tearing up of more and more land and over population. It's appalling. One of the two have just been filing there nails and finishing their cocktail...and now the bill is just about due.

    If people can't heed warnings, and follow simple rules, then don't look to me for sympathy. They deserve what they get. And will we humans have learned a thing when and if this pass? Unfortunately, I will have to answer that as no. And friends wonder why I like animals more.

    Yes...I am dark right now. Maybe my name should be Poison Ivy.

    1. Wow, or maybe "The Black Widow" as in spider. Seriously that's exactly what has happened, carelessness with handling slaughtering exotic animals together in ways nature never intended. Someone wanted to eat bat wings or monkey testicles and the rest of the world pays for it.

  4. Yep. The world is on hold. But it may be good for.. the world?
    On the long run, many things are going to be put on trial here: what we are and what we want. This sheltering in place and closing of the borders will not last forever. Maybe just enough to make us recalibrate our world.
    Maddie is right: if people cannot follow rules that are going to benefit the community at large, they don't have my sympathy either.
    As for the relationship with your guy, hey, there's a camera in your phone/laptop. Use it. It may be fun.


    1. Unfortunately Sixpence after this is over, the people who already care will be vigilant and the people who could care less will go on only concerned about themselves.

  5. It's a strange world out there right now but we must all do what we must do. Stay safe and be well!

    1. Debra, same to you. Plus... especially now I look forward to your funny memes.

  6. I'm so glad you mentioned what 3 meters is in feet.

  7. I saw a meme that said :The world is healing. We are the virus."
    That sums it up.

    1. Bob, it's exactly the way nature cleans up any overpopulation of plants or animals.

  8. It is going to get worse. The US and Canada are moving too slow. China beat this by putting sever measures in place. We refuse to do that. Just like we refuse to give up our guns. The result...people die.

    1. Bathwater, most people are taking it seriously here. Only a few young people are not. It will get worse before we see if things get better.

  9. My mother is freaking out because New York State will close their borders, and she's heading home this week from South Carolina. Who would have ever thought something like this would happen?

    1. Michael, even a few weeks ago we had no idea it would be like this. They say everyone will probably eventually get it, they are just trying to slow the spread down, it won't stop it.

  10. Not all governments are taking this seriously, look at the Idiot Jerk we have in the White House. And Bathwater is right, we in this country are moving too damn slow because the Republicans are more interested in the economy than in human beings.

    1. Dave, unfortunately I agree with you completely.

  11. This all sucks. And not in a good way.

    @Maddie...good tning you are not a would be vengeful! And probably rightly so.

    @Sixpense, I like the way you think. Listen to us Steven...the camera cam and phone!!!

    1. Cali Boi, you three have a dirty mind... I like that in a person!

  12. We here in Illinois have a “Stay inside” order in place. That means you can go out to get food, supplies, medicine and health care, and you can go for walks, but you must practice “social distancing.” Restaurants are open for drive through and carry out. Even Costco has removed their tables from the food court.

    It is a little surreal right now. The federal government refuses to act so the states are stepping up. Our governor called out the turd-in-chief on CNN so the turd took to twitter to rant and rave like the imbecile he is. What an embarrassment.

    Be safe, keep in touch with your boo and family. This too shall pass.

  13. HuntleyBiGuy, I hope Americans see the danger of not having a competent president during a crisis and remember it next November.
