Thursday, April 11, 2019

Fly in the ointment!

 I have been pretty lucky that I get to work with a lot of cool people. There are a few that can ruin your day but often I don't work with them. A few months back I was working in a department and they formed a small team. Some people were hired in from outside of work and interestingly enough, I have work with some of them before. Everyone gelled together and work was actually enjoyable. That is until...

 I heard one day they hired a new woman and upon hearing the news, the other women in the group became concerned. They warned me that the lady causes trouble. Having never worked with her, I ignored the whispers and treated her like the others. Sometimes having an open mind and giving off a friendly welcoming atmosphere can work wonders... but not in this case... what a trouble making b...

 She is also a major butt kisser, I can't stand that. Her and I get along because she thinks she has me fooled with her sucking up; however if you've been mean to "my ladies", you're never going to see it coming girlfriend! Lol, I have street cred".

 She is one of those people who has to constantly make negative comments. She is always causing hurt feelings, she sucks the joy out of the room. I don't understand why someone wants to be like that, why not enjoy yourself instead of being miserable. She doesn't understand that no matter how much you brag about yourself, it's much less likely that you are going to be asked back when you can't work with others. People at the top are busy, they have their own issues, they don't want distractions at work, when you make yourself a distraction, you haven't made yourself look important, you made yourself an issue that will get "handled".

 There always has to be one in every bunch, that "fly in the ointment", that one person who has to cause drama.


  1. I think she works with me, too.
    I call her 'Karen,' cuz that's her name.

    1. Bob, I think they must have cloned that type of person lol. Here the other ladies say, "yap yap yap" when they mean her because she is always yapping about something.

  2. Replies
    1. Debra, yes unfortunately there is. Makes me wonder what would happen if there was a room full and they had to work together!

  3. I don't understand. I'm not your coworker.

    1. OL, I see you trying to get along with her just to prove me wrong hahaha, but after a week you would confess that you think something is wrong with that woman!

  4. Might I suggest just ending your week right now? Come sit right here need a good neck rub.

    1. Maddie, you are such a sex craving horny guy that turns every situation into a scene out of a porn film, seriously it's one of the things I love about you! ;D

  5. Oh, there's always one of those in every workplace.
    Ugh. I applaud that you went in with an open mind and gave her a chance. I usually cannot be that nice and give them the 'courtesy of strangers' treatment. If I'm having a good day.


    1. Sixpence, well I tried, if she wants drama then she should go watch a soap opera.

  6. we have one; we nicknamed him "the princess" (str8 guy). likes to hear himself talk, thinks he's an expert on everything. I don't speak to him unless absolutely necessary. when he is off traveling on business, the office is calm.

    1. Anne Marie, same for the people left in the group now, as soon as she is missing, everyone enjoys their work.

  7. There's one in every office. They pretend to be the most-ess when in fact they are the most insecure people. We have a president like that. I'd keep clear of her.

    1. Walter, hello handsome! I noticed that as well, they puff up their importance but don't realize it makes them look pathetic.

  8. Ha! I had the same thought as Old Lurker! I've never worked in Canada. Maddie's neck rub sounds nice. Be sure it's the one attached to your head. Oh, wait...

    1. Deedles, I think you would be fun to work with, at least you seem like that in blog land. I was hoping he wouldn't stop at the neck, ummm... better end this comment here. Lol

  9. She might have been a lab tech working nights with me. She didn't last long. Got herself fired for making trouble with the night shift ER staff during an emergency event. I had to step in and call the "On Call" person to take her place because she was being difficult with the nurses when they were in the right. Last I heard, she's now working at a trauma- level-1 hospital in San Antonio. We call it The Zoo.

    1. Leanna, well thanks a lot, so it was (((YOU))) who sent her here! Hahaha!

  10. She could also be the one to introduce you to your future husband. Stay neutral. Avoid the fray.

    1. Jimmy, well actually she wants to introduce me to one of her friends... a woman.
      Did you hear the news that the cute Trivago guy (Tim Williams) was picked up for drunk driving? That's too bad, no more commercials for him but on a serious note he was so drunk he passed out on the steering wheel, lucky he didn't kill anyone.

  11. Sounds like every single class I teach. There's always that proverbial fly. A mystery actually...why is there always one in every group?

    1. Michael, actually I know the answer but I can't tell you because then it wouldn't be a mystery!

  12. Perhaps - just perhaps - your firm but positive interaction/presents will make her/things not so bad.
    don't let yourself be sucked dry.

  13. Dr Spo, I see what you did there! ;)

  14. You need to come out at work. I could not not imagine being in the closet. You are limiting yourself from potential partners.

    1. Jimmy, I keep my personal life separate from my work life, plus would you seriously think I could trust a mean person like that to find me a boyfriend, she would be the last person on earth.

  15. Are you kidding, Steven? I don't get along with anybody. I have been doing nothing but getting into conflicts with people for the past month. There's a reason I am unemployable.

  16. Whew! Then is wasn't something I said to you, what a relief! Turns out you're just cantankerous! Lol

  17. Does that mean you have 'kinda' of a life? Wait, are you a Catholic priest?

  18. Jimmy, I work mostly with straight guys in a very traditional straight male dominated environment, they don't even try to help each other meet women, social issues are not discussed. It's cars, sports, building things, sports, sports and sometimes funny movies. They wouldn't have a clue how to help me. However they have positive attitudes towards the LGBTQ community and they never ever ask why I don't seem to have a girlfriend, so that is perfectly fine with me. I'm a very private person, I also don't discuss my mom's illness with them unless asked or any of my other personal issues, that's for my friends only. To me work is a place of business and to make money, nothing else, I keep the two separate, it's how I want it.

  19. ... and yet Steven feels really good/affirmed when one of his coworkers comes out as gay or trans. Maybe it is for the best that he got rid of the poultry at his farm because there is plenty of chicken living in his house already.

    There's a difference between being upfront about a basic aspect of your personality and giving your coworkers blow-by-blow (so to speak) accounts of your Grindr dates.

  20. OL, you know I find that you really piss me off whenever you are right! However I will never give you that satisfaction because... ummm ok never mind. Anyway that's true I find it awesome when someone comes out, a trans person doesn't have that option unfortunately. I know that in some way I'm letting the LGBTQ community down, but if anyone asks I tell them the true. I swear they already know. Hey I never said I was perfect, I'm allowed to be a hypocrite sometimes. On the other hand I don't see why I have to announce my sexuality, plus now it's going to just be weird like,"Mike I have those units for you so we should be able to meet our deadlines and did I mention that I'm gay"? How out are you smarty pants???

  21. You have to "announce your sexuality" because you are not being your authentic self at work. But you don't have to go on the company PA and make an announcement, or show up to work in a leather harness. A subtle rainbow flag (maybe that Canadian Pride flag) or a rainbow coffee mug could work, or you could get a tasteful "STRAIGHT PEOPLE ARE INFERIOR BEINGS" bumper sticker for your car. Word would spread fast.

    As for me: I am not even out to myself. I also don't have a workplace where I can announce anything. But people do know that I volunteer(ed) at the local LGBTQ+ community centre.

  22. Well don't worry OL, I know you are attracted to men but I won't tell anyone. I think you said that you're bi-gayish if I remember correctly.
    Anyway I thought that the new thing is not to label myself and also out of four hundred people, nobody else other than the trans person, has claimed to be a member of the LGBTQ community, so I am just following the work culture.

  23. As charming as this conversation is, I just joined a gay car club (they must have one or two in Canada, Steven). Expand your horizon. Seek new avenues.

  24. Jimmy, yes I'm always looking for something interesting out there, I just happened to get a little rusty at it.

    It's Old Lurker's fault, he started it!

  25. Actually, you two sound like an old married couple on the verge of divorce. Life is too short for bickering. Especially over finding good dick that you want to use again.

  26. Jimmy, married couple!!! I was thinking more like "Steven The Good" blog superhero and his nemesis "Old Lurker" and we battle out our issues in the blogosphere! Married couple? Then you bet your a-- I want a divorce!!!
